Friday, April 2, 2010

One GREAT day!

Today is about over and I can say that it was one fabulous day! Everett turned 4 months old and we had a great time hanging out. He upped to a size 2 in diapers, we all 3 took a nap (Dale was off work today), did a little shopping and bought him some Easter goodies and an Easter outfit for this Sunday. He's enjoying standing up more than ever and prefers being up on his feet rather than sitting or laying down.

It was a pretty rainy day and the rain and wind storm from the coast finally hit our way. There was a short period of no rain and some sun and we bundled the little man up and went for a little walk.

We bought him a new pair of shoes to go with his Easter outfit and little did we know that they almost look like mine!

What a GREAT day today was!

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