Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Tree

We finally put up the tree yesterday. Yes, we were a little late this year. I typically like putting it up the day after Thanksgiving but we've been trying to take things slowly and calmly around here with my recent health issues. {I'll post an update to that here soon.}

These photos are from my not-so-great camera phone...

We had the tree set up and decided to move it. Talk about difficulty moving a fully decorated tree! I don't think we could've done it without Everett's help though. He was so helpful holding that branch.

{The tree skirt was given to us by Dale's mom 2 years ago. It's almost 30 years old! The same one that was under each of Dale's Christmas trees growing up.}


  1. The tree looks great!!!! Love the tree skirt and so nice of Everett to help out! :)

  2. Beautiful tree! I love how carefully E is picking the balls out of the container. Is he gentle with the tree? We have to remind Asher daily that the balls on the tree are not for knocking around - ha!

    Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!!
