Sunday, July 11, 2010

Husband + Extended Days Off = Fun Weekend

It seems as if the only time I've had to blog lately is when both Dale and Everett are asleep. So, once again, here they are both passed out. (By the way, Everett is going on a 3 1/2 hour nap!)

We've had such a fun-filled weekend. Dale normally works Saturdays and Sundays but this week, he had them off. This weekend, we enjoyed dinner at my parent's, Farmer's Market, garage sailing, dinner with some close friends, church, Coldstone, sunny afternoon and evening walks, movies, and best of all, time together as a family.

I absolutely love this picture of Everett and I!

Daddy and Everett with my parent's Dobey.

Everett all dressed up and ready to go to church.

I would have to say that prunes have been Everett's favorite so far.

He loved them so much he couldn't stop smacking his lips!

This weekend was busy and left Everett a little tuckered out by the end of each day but we were able to spend some extra time with Daddy that we normally didn't have.

We hope that you all had a fabulous weekend too!

1 comment:

  1. Your favorite picture is absolutely adorable!!!! Everett is such a sweetie. :)
    Family time is so wonderful, I'm glad you had a good weekend with yours!!!!
